English with Ocean Bee

A custom design website that I developed for the client with Webflow. The website has a bespoke checkout flow with the UI designed for a streamlined payment decision. The payment section contains 20+ hidden payment links that are rotated conditionally based on a plan duration or plan inclusions selection. I worked with the client on email campaigns setup, social automations, e-book designs, payments system configuration, website analytics, logo design, online course content creation and more.
Ocean Bee
Provided Services
Web Design
Logo Design
Email Automation
Payments Integration
Graphic Design (book/guide)
Web Analytics
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Let's work together

Tell me about your project

If you are a small business owner and need an online store or a website for your service, I will work with you. If you are a CTO or a web design agency looking to outsource design for a corporate website, I will work with you. If you have an idea for a web app prototype with user accounts, dynamic content and conditional visibility - get in touch.
Submit a short brief and I'll come back if your project is something I can help you with.

I have limited availability that drives my hourly rate as well as selection of the problems I can solve.
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